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SL 2 .XL 1 


Washington, B. 0 . 
February 21 , 1947 * 


// A 


In rol Charles Luciano.’ 

a Lucky. . 

International -1st $198. 

Mr. B. J. Anelingor. 

Commissioner of Narcotics, 

Treasury Department, 

Washington 25 . D. C» 

sl " «, win conn™ «r o” s: 

iq 1947 . relative to the investigation « 

“'the ilirj' D.pnrtm.nt, Jnahlneton. 3. 0. 

R.f.rrlng to M.trl.t fli^* 

tratltr^^^nn^i.oUo^conn^^tho £*£*;•* 

^ t ****™ *« »*«»« luoi “° ■ 

release from prison. 

Mention should te ® a ^ ^ t M ^uchy" Matter at the 
Luciano, ^ l ®!^f^; v i^* ecu tive officer of the^ome^tic^ 

Luciano, alias : 0 * ecu tiVG officer of th 
v r i 1 1 en° cone e r n 1 n g° the 1 

«- ^^rtfUrSs’ • 

t ..1 1 9 ^RYiied that the ha vy 
^ The Captain ®; t JJ® r |®jUtary of the H&vy. assisted 
Department, through the -jo n and further, that 
in having Luciano reloasej froa p ci resistances 

the Havy Department wll i J 1 ? Lora t ion? He stated that a 
sponsor Luciano for a wa * * Q ne ntionod) . "went overboard 
discharged ofticQT, (no » , aunl0ft tiona that he wrote to the 
on Ms own and all thee o * uroly his own personal, 

Sev York Stats Officials | said that ia his 

private and individual s as muc h of a "racketeer 

s , ff^: , ^r^^a-arwr:«ss>; 


. c>' : 

- 2 - 

s- ffasssr yt as* 

W^J and that the Third 


SrKSrat itixsss s%»r-‘Sr r 

&U>*igatt«> af did 

thT.\”.i rl nt.ufu ti an dl.ol.s.d 

Ini Benjanin 31*««X that our Bureau Aid 

that ha could uot aonaaiTa of # the ^Stld Statee and that 
not knou^uoiano • AAoUAr * 9rs veuld ha mere helpful 

the Third sajal that «« already 

along thaaa llaaa* , 5h * ^ delate* tm4ar active investigation 

had aaay of Buelano • * K . ate their files for additional 
and that »y purpose vaa to cheek tneir iue 


X iafernad th. Oapt»in that Luelano 

«SSSiS^d'-iih.s.S’-i r . 

*uh- dated Saplee* Jj«y *7. 1 *e Italy. Their activities vere 

t*k» erer th. £»“»”•«£* i* i^Ssht oars and assisting 
daunted as rotting true** and luigns oa 0 ould pay 


iiu.i".riltS Lolano. Th. nan*, furnlshad «r.. 

Sudolph Baffin* 

Oyril Xlin**nher« 

Budolpho Raffia* 

Prank P *111 grin© 

Morgan Eeiekell 

H. Sohlhaaa* 

,v v jv .r::- i ,: l ' .. ;••, 


i. * 

Dally Davit ?a**tia*r 30, 1947* panaimnj 
Tnak Staatra* 


/§/ LtRoy V. Horrlaan 

DaRay ** M 0 rriaoa. 
Karootli Agaat* 
